Rethinking Your Spending Plan

I am a huge proponent of spending plans because they help people manage money and expenses better. If you find that your spending plan is not working as well as you had hoped, there are a few things you can do to rethink your spending plan and find a better way. An Improved Way Yes, … Continue reading “Rethinking Your Spending Plan”

Common Mistakes When Creating a Spending Plan

Creating and using a spending plan is more about managing behavior than money. What the spending plan does is help you to reach your financial goals. Money is the tool a spending plan uses to achieve financial goals. Below are some common mistakes when creating a spending plan. Starting to create a spending plan without … Continue reading “Common Mistakes When Creating a Spending Plan”

Money Management Tips for 2024

In the ever-evolving world of finance, staying on top of your money and management game is crucial for a prosperous future. As we usher in 2024, the financial landscape continues evolving, presenting challenges and opportunities to make the most of your financial resources. Embrace Digital Financial Tools The digital revolution has transformed the way we … Continue reading “Money Management Tips for 2024”

Encouraging Words About Creating and Using a Spending Plan

There are a few encouraging words about creating and using a spending plan that could be said to encourage people to create and use a spending plan to manage their money. I could say things like… “A spending plan will help you take control of your money and reach your financial goals.” “Creating a spending … Continue reading “Encouraging Words About Creating and Using a Spending Plan”

Your Holiday Spending Plan

First, I wish everyone a wonderful, stress-free holiday season. I pray this holiday season is free from money worry and brings you all the joy and peace you can handle.   The holidays are a time to get together with friends and family and to celebrate. It can also be a stressful period when it … Continue reading “Your Holiday Spending Plan”

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